
Encouraging the wildlife has a high priority in the garden.  We avoid pesticides (though we do use some weed killer on paved areas around the house) and we try to improve habitats with shelters, timing of mowing in the meadow, wood piles etc.  We especially want to encourage wild flowers and bees (both honey bees and other hymenoptera), butterflies, bats and birds.

In this section there is a list of  plants, insects and  mammals that we have identified as living here.  The lists are woefully inadequate and we would welcome any help whatsoever from people who would like to come and survey any of the wildlife.  Please contact us by e-mail at broadacregarden@gmail.com .


Bat boxes

Reptile and amphibian shelters

Bird feeders

Cutting and removing hay from the meadows

Increasing winter/spring forage for bees

Clearance of  excessive holly from the spinney.

Removal of sycamores.

Marking orchids and adder’s tongue to save them from being prematurely cut.

Removal of Spanish bluebells.

Creating woodpiles and compost heaps.